What’s On丨奢華耀眼!山東博物館的這個(gè)展超好逛-天天關(guān)注
Appreciating magnificent collections, experiencing the pure taste of a grand feast, tasting the original European afternoon tea, and taking away both fashionable and artistic cultural souvenirs...... The Victorian and Albert(V&A) Museum"s Rosalinde & Gilbert Collection is being displayed in Jinan right now! Are you ready? Let"s go for treasure hunting!
The exhibition is co-organized by Shandong Museum and the V&A Museum and sponsored by Art Exhibitions China. From the Renaissance to the Victorian Period, treasures from the Rosalinde & Gilbert Collection is being exhibited in the 5th hall of Shandong Museum. Over 90 rare pieces of European treasures from the 15th to 19th centuries and more than 10 pieces of snuffboxes from the Qing Dynasty are on show.
Walking into the exhibition hall, you’ll notice the European retro walls with Burgundy red as the main color, and you’ll hear the enchanting melody of European classical music. There are plenty of European charms that could fill your eyes: the lifelike statue of Napoleon, jade treasures of Frederick the Great,vicissitudes of the Colosseum and the magnificence of Saint Peter"s Basilica.
Silver epergnes, wine sets, teapots, chocolate pots and other European royal banquet utensils, the waving candlelight and exquisite dishes together with the elegant dining etiquette and gentlemen and ladies in splendid clothes vividly reproduced the lifestyle and social etiquette of the European nobles during that time.
Miniature portraits with personal images can be seen as diplomatic gifts, a token of affection for an unforgettable love or a memorial to loved ones; Landscape paintings, still life, animal and figure paintings adopting micromosaic technology present images even more lifelike than the real paintings. Jade crafts also endowed these micromosaic paintings eternal vitality.
The exhibition is also showcasing Emperor Qianlong"s private collections as well as historical relics of Shandong Museum, which contrasts with European artifacts of the same period, reflecting cultural exchanging and mutual learning. So it"s not just a visual feast of European history, culture and art. The Chinese civilization is also showing vitality through exchanging and mutual learning.
There’s no need to travel across the sea, just come to Shandong Museum to experience the 500-year-history of European customs!